The food was great and the drinks were plentiful and it ended up with me going for a quick swim in the sea before we made our way back to the campsite for some guitars and drinks. That pretty much sums up most of the weekend to be honest. Swimming, BBQ, eating, and drinking is really all we did but it was a great weekend all the same. Just as we were leaving on the Sunday afternoon the sun came out and it was nothing but clear skies all the way back to Bristol. Typical UK......
Great stories.. Great Picts. But enlighten us... What is RYC?????
Just camping, eating, drinking, and guitar... how very Canadian of you. I gotta work on the guitar bit, I hear guitar hero is all the craze now, perhaps I need to get on board with that. Good times friend!....so bdbrandy or a snake in the tent?
Dad - RYC stands for Royal York Cresent which is the street we all live on.
Ryan - No contest.... BDBrandy all the way.....hahahahaha
Hey buddy
you know I love you like a brother, but I am going to point some things out, showing just how badly you need to move back home. Camping NEVER involves a bar. You drink around a campfire and at a beach ONLY. There's no indoor swimming... I daresay that I should slap you when you get home tomorrow for calling this event a camping trip!
Beers soon!
Yeah Andrew,
Phil so misses his slappings!
I've been camping many times and ended up at a bar.
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