Monday, 2 July 2007

Dublin for Canada Day

Let me start off with a quick recap of Friday June 29th. I went to work, went home, and then went out for "a drink" for a goodbye party for two of the flatmates who moved out this weekend. It was supposed to be one drink as I had to be up at 4am to go to the airport. Well one drink turned into many and before I knew it I was drinking vinegar out of pint glasses. That was when I realised it was 12:30 and I should be heading home. Well 4am came much to fast but I dragged myself out of bed and ran into the rest of the flatmates who were just coming back..... hahahaha.

The trip over the Dublin was pretty uneventful. I slept the whole 45min on the plane. Upon arriving I made my way into the city centre and went over the hostel. It was located in the middle of the city right by the famous millennium spire (to me its looks like a giant needle). As I wasn't allowed to check into the hostel until 2pm I made my way back into the city and decided to do a few touristy things before trying to find Kim who I was meeting up with out there. First I walked down the Liffey River and along it until I cut in behind temple bar so see all the famous bars to snap off a few photos as I was planning on leaving my camera behind when I returned to this area later that night.

My first main stop was Christchurch Cathedral which was built in around 1030AD and is one of the most remarkable cathedrals I have seen. It was quite unique with its bridge and a main road splitting it in half. Also in the crypt the had a lot of old religious books and treasures from around the world. Just down the road from Christchurch is the most famous cathedral in Ireland, called St. Patrick’s. Granted it was huge and impressive but I still think that Christchurch is superior in regards to Architecture and features. Still both are worth checking out.

The rest of the afternoon I spent walking around the parks and residential areas of Dublin. Some really nice places and some... well not so nice. Check out the photo of the BMW....

After this I made my way back to the giant Dublin Spire and back to the hostel where I was finally allowed to check in. This is where I met up with Kim who was already in the room. After catching up we started our walk over to the far side of town to check out the Guinness Storehouse. The line up was fairly short and after we both got in for student prices we made our way around the tour up the 6 floors to finish off with the best pint of Guinness I have ever had in the Gravity bar. The bar is enclosed in nothing but glass windows and gives a spectacular view over Dublin.

The remainder of the day was spent wondering around Trinity college and the shopping district before we went to go and get ready for a night at temple bar.

After a few cheap pints at the hostel bar we went into town and met up with one of my friends from work who happened to be out there the same weekend. We had a drink with him before heading to temple bar where we ended up befriending a few brits out on a stag night from Liverpool who wanted to buy as drinks because we were singing Liverpool footballs songs with them in the middle of the bar. hahahaha.

Our first stop for the 2nd day was the Jameson distillery where we were drinking whiskey at 10:00am. The tour was great and I highly recommend it to all of you if you make your way to Dublin.

As it was Canada day we had to do something typically Canadian. After a search for Tim Hortons (yes there are a few in Dublin for some reason) and some help terrible information from the tourist centre we were still struggling to find it. We jumped into a internet cafe where within no time at all we found the location and set off again. This time to our success we found the Tim Hortons and enjoyed a coffee and donut to celebrate Canada Day. I think we had a few odd looks from people around us as we took photos from every possible angle of the cups, donuts, and signs.

Kim had to make her way back to the town she is living in which is about an hour away so I spent the evening walking down the bay (about 45min away). After one final walk around the city centre I caught the late bus out to the airport and found a bench in the airport where I managed to get a few hours sleep. My plane left at 6:30am and arrived in Bristol about 7:30. Just enough time for me to get the bus to work, get changed, and start working. Needless to say I was exhausted but it was a great weekend away from England. Thanks again to Kim who met up with me and showed me around Dublin and who got me a free drink off the Liverpool fans in the bar. hahahaha. Good times!

Oh and don't worry I did find the hard rock cafe!!! Another one to cross off the list.


Anonymous said...

No competition this time for BJB .. Back at the top~~~

Will read in detail later,,, Have to get to the Range......

More Later.......

Anonymous said...

Does the Tim's have Guinness flavoured Bagel's!

Did you catch any little Leprechauns or Kiss the Blarney!

Anonymous said...

yay glad you found the timmies and the hard rock :) how exciting :) are you looking forward to Paris? u going to do the touristy things or you just goint to enjoy the other expierences??
hope you have fun, stay safe :)

Brad and Nada said...

The Guinness tour is definately a winner. I thought it was the best Guinness I have ever tasted also! After walking 6 levels in the heat makes for thirsty work though!

BJB is still being chased for the top spot though...

Looking forward to Crop Circles in a few weeks time - Enjoy Paris in the meantime mate!

Anonymous said...

Stay away from the Crop Circles. You may be abducted by the Aliens and be subjected to several rather nasty Biological probing experiments. I know it happened to me 17 times. (Before they refused to do it anymore

Unknown said...

Hey Super, always a treat reading your blog posts and congrats on finding the HardRock! Very much looking forward to the next blog post mate!

Anonymous said...

Hey buddy,
looks like a fun time! Though it's the Guinness Storehouse, they don't call it a brewery on the gates! haha, I only know, cuz I was there first! woooo that's probably the only time I'll get to ever say that. Oh, and I guess we could say I was first with the ladies, you late bloomer! hahaha
hustle your ass home already, 3 days is going to be dragged out to a longer period of time.

Phil said...

Stewy - I believe I did call it the Guiness storehouse in the blog entry. You need to get your eyes checked..... hahahahahaha.

Anonymous said...

awww let's go back and do that all again! maybe ill be on time this time and not get lost lol... im such a winner of a tour guide. big points for the free beer tho... "you're massive!" "and youre buying me a drink"... boo to the mediocre street meat as hilarious as the pics were tho! hope all is well! xo